The beautiful thing about the Christmas story is God taking on human flesh and becoming one of us. The birth of Jesus means God is not distant—God is with us. We are not alone in this life and this reality changes everything. Invite your friends and join us this Christmas season as we start a 4-part series called “With Us” and discover how the witness of God leads us into the depths of God’s presence.
December 1 | 9:45 & 11am
The Gift of Others
December 8 | 9:45 & 11am
The Gift of Movement
December 15 | 10:30am
Annual Christmas Cantata:
Celebrate: The Joy and Wonder
of Christmas.
Please note we will have only one service.
December 22 | 9:45 & 11am
The Gift of Seeking
December 24
Contemporary Service: 4:30pm
Traditional Service: 6:00pm
Christmas Eve Reflection:
The Gift of Presence